Tag Archives: landscapes

Flourishing butterbur Beavers woke up Full moon in three days


In this magical time of the year when Nature unveils itself, the most conspicuous recent traces of change around my usual routes just turned into a Haiku style blank verse and appeared as a title of this post.


Everything in nature resting during the winter, got charged up to come out as the earth is waking up in spring. Flowering Butterbur stock (Petasites vulgaris) gives the river bank a bit of a look of a Martian landscape. Butterbur extract may prevent migraine headaches, they say. Doctors do not know exactly how butterbur prevents migraines, they say. And this, in addition to many medicinal properties of this plant. 


Spring is all about light. Everything around is opening up and shaking free from winter dormancy. Especially beavers! Beavers do not hibernate, but are less active during winter.


Obviously beavers are embracing the freedom of spring after a long winter. On my spring exploratory excursion, I encountered a well-built beaver lodge, one I hadn’t known about before.


Beavers’ ability to change the landscape is second only to humans. their favorite foods include water lily tubers, apples and the leaves and green bark (cambium) from aspen and other fast-growing trees. Tree cutting is part of nature’s cycle, and beaver pruning stimulates willows, cottonwood and aspen to regrow bushier than ever the next spring. 


Again  we become part of the process of re-creation that is occurring during the season of Springtime! And speaking of being a part of creative process, I just happened to meet these amazing people deeply fascinated by poetry in Haiku style. Haiku poetry was originally developed by Japanese poets. I have been always admiring brevity and imagistic language in haiku which makes you feel connected to nature. Haikus are often inspired by nature, a moment of beauty, or poignant experience… And on the other hand, writing haiku provides a new way to look at the world… 

I am so proud that the first issue of Haiku Port Quarterly 1/2018  was published with my participation.  And on the other hand, writing haiku provides a new way to look at the world… 


Flourishing butterbur

Beavers woke up

Full moon in three days




Embracing the Season! Привет, сЕНТЯБРЬ!

Embracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the seasonEmbracing the season

I took all these pics just within an hour when one day I made a 400 km detour into a most picturesque area from my conventional route.

I expected to find some Season inspiration and was overwhelmed with sensation of the triumph the Autumn was celebrating all over the hills and along the valleys, while the hundred-year-old trees were majestically towering above the vanity of vanities. 

Needless to say, I returned from the trip with a bunch of inspirational memories and a bag full of the windfall, the material for my continuous printing/dyeing experiments!  

It’s time to pick up leaves, you all!


Всего за час мне повезло сделать чудесные фото, когда во время одной из своих поездок я решила отклониться от маршрута на 400 км!

Хотелось впечатлений осенних, и неожиданно – Вот он, триумф Осени по склонам холмов и в долинах, а столетние деревья-великаны своей мудростью спокойно возвышаются над суетой сует…

Само собой разумеется, вернулась я из путешествия с огромной коллекцией впечатлений и невероятным мешком собранных листьев:

запаслась и вдохновением, и материалом для экспериментов!

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