Tag Archives: bundle

More on Wash Fastness

As much as I enjoy obtaining refined and unique marks from the plant material on fabric I cannot but brood over the Wash Fastness aspect, especially when it comes to wearables.

The common advice that can be most often found regarding washing and caring for naturally dyed textiles, is to hand wash it in cold water, or use a gentle cycle in the washing machine.

In my practice with natural dyestuffs I tend to meticulously run my own experiments to see how the same recipe/regularity works for me. Well, the moment I got my very first satisfying dyed pattern on a wearable item I immediately put on considering cap:

How long a garment treated with the natural dyes will serve before the increasing color fading from the multiple washes finally gives it an unappealing look?

Provided, of course, that the garment has been properly treated with mordants, as well as that the dyeing process has been carried out aptly.

07 08 09

For the silk accessories and such, the washing matter does not look as much uncertain as for the sportswear for instance. 

I really would have doubts as for a jersey T-shirt and a gentle washing cycle… Well, maybe I am just too lazy to consider a hand-wash, or is it just that I know that you cannot give a quality wash to a jersey T-shirt without presoaking it, which will definitely affect the natural dyes. So, why not give a try to a conventional washing then?

Still wearing the same considering cap, I got a dyed jersey shirt:





I decided to wear it on a regular basis from the moment I finished working on it last September, and throw it into the washing machine with the rest of my light-colored laundry; I used my usual detergent, Persil most of the time, for cotton fabrics.

These are some close-ups of the shirt pattern right after dyeing:

12 13 15

And now after three months and 15 to 18 washes, this is what I end up with at this moment:

01 02 03 04 05 06

Not sure how much obvious it really is from the pics, but the background color retains its corn-colored hue; while the bluish marks from the tannins have shifted towards brown color, as the result of their exposure to the high Ph of the washing powder.

Well, at this point my shirt still works for me. Which is fine. I’ll keep my further records on the gradual color shift and/or loosing color of this item.

Determining the point when the T-shirt starts looking toneless will surely give the better idea about the general shelf-life of my naturally-dyed clothes, which is essential info to be labeled on my naturally dyed collection.

So, dear colleagues, and what advice do you label your naturally dyed wearables with?

The Silk Tree Dyeing Session

Persian Silk Tree

The Silk Tree fluffs

This is a Silk Tree  (Albizia julibrissinthat I planted about 7 years ago. In our area we have very hot and dry summers (it has got even hotter for a few last years). The winters  are known to be mild and snowless, though in February the temp often drops below -15C / 5F and easily can stay at -23C /below 0F for a couple of weeks. Just enough to freeze some certain types of vegetation to death! That was (and still is) my concern as for the garden. Until this year we used to cover this tree for the winter, whereas last Fall I decided to give it a try and leave it unprotected for the winter, especially when it was over 3 meters tall. It seemed to have lived through the winter alright but  this summer’s unbearable heat and drought have definitely depressed my Silk Tree… Nevertheless, my tree stands tall in my garden all covered with gentle pink fluffs giving of the delightful fragrance all over the area!

Of course I had to try the fluffs for dyeing properties!

The Silk Tree Fluffs Bundle

The Bundle

I rolled the bundle over a copper pipe, cotton fabric, silk tree fresh fluffs, and simmered in aluminium pot for about 2 hours, let it sit for about 10 days.

Sorry, you all patient people, who can afford 3 weeks and more for curing! I just wanna catch the most of the opportunities this season provides for My Raw List of the Local Dyeing Chances to further develop and elaborate it with the flow of  the time.

That’s when my Rolls will be left  for years unbundled!

The Silk Tree Fluffs in the Cotton Cloth

The Silk Tree Fluffs in the Cotton Cloth

The Silk Tree Fluffs in the Cotton Cloth

The Silk Tree Fluffs in the Cotton Cloth

I was really surprised to get such a bright color! Though these are the images of the just unrolled fabric which is still wet.

The Silk Tree Fluffs in the Cotton Cloth

The Silk Tree Fluffs in the Cotton Cloth

My poor Fluffs! Look what happened to you!! 

The Silk Tree Fluffs Dyed Cotton Cloth

The Silk Tree Fluffs Dyed Cotton Cloth. The Still Wet Version.

And now the Fabric, just unbundled and still wet,

The Silk Tree Fluffs Dyed Cotton Cloth

The Silk Tree Fluffs Dyed Cotton Cloth. The Dry Cloth Version.

and after a few days, heat pressed and dry.

Well, I have no idea if this is any valuable information for the Natural Dyers. And what is more important I do not intend to make any scientific discoveries here! And I don’t think there is any good chances for that, as the Natural Dyeing existed long before all of us. Hence, most of the innovations talking in this field may sound similar to

“I invented the Bicycle!” sort of things…

But in this  Fascinating Field of the Natural Resources for Dyeing there are so many rewarding opportunities for the artistic application, not to mention the joy of communicating with the Nature!

And These I am determined to explore and describe! 

Hope you all are enjoying the change of seasons! xoxo



Мое шелковое дерево –

я посадила около 7 лет назад. Наш климат примечателен очень жаркими летними температурами, еще более жаркими  в последние годы, и относительно мягкими и бесснежными зимами. Однако, зачастую пару недель в феврале может держаться очень низкая, до -23С температура, чего достаточно, чтобы заморозить насмерть нестойкие виды растений.

До недавнего времени мы прикрывали наше дерево на зиму, покуда оно не разрослось до 3-х м ввысь! Стоит мое дерево, все в цвету, источая аромат, меня радует! А где-то ленкоранская акация считается инвазивным видом!

Безусловно, я не могу не испытать цвет моей акации в части натурального крашения.

Беру: медную трубку, хлопчатобумажную ткань, розовые пушки*;

Варю/ тушу в алюминиевой посуде около 2-х ч и оставляю на 10 дней не открывая. Известное дело, есть очень терпеливые экспериментаторы, могущие ожидать до 3-х и более недель!

Я же боюсь не успеть сделать все намеченное на сезон.

См. Выше фото с результатами.

Честно говоря, яркость окраски меня потрясла! При том, что это хлопок и протравы никакие я не применяла. На фото –только что открытая ткань, все еще влажная. На последнем фото – ткань через несколько дней, проглаженная и сухая.

Однако, что стало с пушками!

Я разумеется, сомневаюсь, насколько эта моя информация может представлять интерес для опытных в натуральном крашении красильщиков! И уж тем более, не тянет она и на научное открытие. Сомневаюсь вообще в возможности таковых в области древнего ремесла натурального крашения, где всякое новаторство сродни изобретению велосипеда…

В данном случае я не преследую иных целей, кроме как описательно-повествовательных о Cвоем, ошибочно-пробном, в Натуральном Крашении, которое предоставляет столько возможностей для художественного приложения!

Надеюсь, всем по душе смена сезонов!

Рада комментариям!


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